Saturday, January 27, 2007

This Week In History

"The space shuttle is by far the most complex machine in the world. When you think about all the thousands of people it took to sit down and design this machine -- the main engines, auxiliary power units, the hydraulics, the flight control systems, the reaction-control jets, the solid rocket boosters, the external tank that fuels the main engines, the crew compartment with all the controls and how we control the vehicle, and all of the time that was spent to put this thing together and make it work - it's to me, inconceivable that you could take a look at the universe and think that it just all happened by accident.

There is no doubt in my mind that God had a very specific and complex plan that He put into work when He created the universe. And inside the vehicle (are) seven astronauts, each one of which is more complex than this vehicle we went up in. And God is an awesome God."

- Commander Rick Husband, STS-107.

January 27, 1967 - Apollo 1 catches fire while undergoing a launch pad test.

January 28, 1986 - Space Shuttle Challenger explodes 73 seconds after liftoff.

February 1, 2003 - Space Shuttle Columbia breaks up on reentry.

In the spirit of exploration, I present one of the best songs written about space flight. Countdown by Rush. (You got to love '80s synth progrock :)! )

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